Sunday, January 4, 2015

JOY In Blessing Others

    I have been pondering a lot today! There are so many things I could write about. Today was more in the direction of JOY!

Matthew 5:16New American Standard Bible (NASB)

16 Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

   Acts of kindness, pay it forwards.... have you ever went out of your way deliberately to be a blessing to someone else? Maybe you was in the Starbucks line, only to pull up to be told that the person in front of you  paid for your coffee? I know that it would put a smile on my face and make me realize that God still uses people even in the small ways. God is always on time when we need those little blessings.

   If we did more small acts of kindness daily in this world, think how much life and light we would bring! It doesn't mean that you have to have money to be a blessing. Sometimes it is that smile, its the how are you doing today. Maybe you held the door for someone.... or helped an elderly remember where they parked there car in the parking lot! Maybe it's an elderly person  who lives alone and you go spend some time with them or make them some food. Maybe it was a tip you gave. There is so many little blessings we could do to just bring a little light, joy, or hope to someone! 

   In today's society.... we have become so busy that it becomes just about your family, or getting somewhere and getting back home. This is one way the enemy distracts us. If we slowed down just a little and became a little more observant to who is around us....we could be someone's smile that made their day, someone's hope when they felt like there was no more! We never know what the next person in line at the grocery store is going through, or the person we always see everyday at that gas station, or even your neighbor. 

   God calls us to be like Him. What does this consist of? Take a look at Jesus' life here on earth... he came to serve those who needed a Savior, hope, joy, love! The time he took to sit with the least of these, fed the hungry, and taught about His Father. It was never about Him, cause if it was he could have easily walked away from being hung on that cross. He knew what His purpose was, and He did just that for you and me. Let us walk in His light so that we can bring a little more light in this world.

1 Corinthians English Standard Version 
Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.

Ephesians 5: 1-2 English Standard Version
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

   Don't wait to be served or be blessed by someone else. Go out and be the JOY someone else needs, the hope to keep going, the light to maybe bring salvation. You never know what your next act of kindness could bring for someone else, and you may never know what that meant to them, and that's OK. Great will be your reward when you stand before the Father! In doing these things for others and unselfishly, will bring so much overflow of JOY  to your heart that only God can bring to us. Happiness is temporary but JOY is everlasting when you experience it straight from the Father!

Matthew 5:12 English Standard Version
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Be blessed to be a BLESSING! 

And feel free to comment.!
 I would also like to challenge you to at least do 1 act of kindness this week. : )
 I would also love to hear back from you on your act of kindness! 
Let your light so shine!

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