What more can I say than this? When I read this... it caught my attention! So are YOU just living life? Or have you found more life in living it fully when reading the Word and having that deliberate relationship, rather than just living day to day with no purpose?
It's like growing pains, In order to grow sometimes you actually have to go through pains in the process of growth! Like babies getting their first tooth. I can remember my middle sister having growing pains in her legs, and it would be at anytime throughout the day. I also remember they were not comfortable pains either.
I believe that God wants us to not only grow physically, but spiritually! How do we do that, you may ask? It is a process... kind of like a baby. You are born ( Saved), drink milk to grow ( read the Word to know), then you start to crawl and walk ( allowing God to teach you His ways and guide you), then you began to learn to speak ( you begin to use your gifts and witness), and now you begin to grow up ( this is where God takes you in a deeper walk with Him and more knowledge of who He is and what His Word says).
But Somewhere in there about the time where God wants to use us and He wants us to read our Word, we find a way to stay right there. This causes us to stay in that baby stage. That stage where we can't go any farther and we wonder why? That place where we want more, but aren't fully ready to surrender! That place where we know what God wants or is calling us to do, but we won't trust God to guide us?
Deuteronomy 31:6 English Standard Version
I too have been in that baby stage, and I was comfortable... or so I thought. Deep down I knew there was something more! Something deeper! I didn't want to be a plain Christian! This is where I realized that I needed to take God out of the box that I had put Him in! He was drawing me and longing for me to know who He truly is! I know it sounds crazy when I may say you can have a relationship with God, but you really can. Now that I decided to take God out of the box, this allowed Him to use me and the gifts that He gave me when I was born. Each one of us has a gift/gifts that God didn't intend for us to keep to ourselves, but to use it to bless/minister to others. Even our pasts can be used to minister to others.
I heard someone say it like this: Your testimony is someone else's medicine! Think about that real quick.........
What you have been through... what gift that you have can be used to help someone, heal someone, bring light into someone's darkness!
I just want to say... allow God to grow in you to be the woman/ man that He has called you to be! Draw close and let Him walk you through! He longs for you to grow in Him. It's a relationship that will GROW you! You will begin to experience the goodness of God, the peace that He intends for us to have, the love that He longs for us to know, the JOY that happiness could never buy, and so much more!
So Yes, you will experience some growing pains in the process, but it will all be worth the while in the end! You will be so thankful that you take that next step and see the blessings that God has been longing for you to receive! Even blessings to see how it all changes everything.... from YOURSELF... to your home... to your family... and How God will use you in the simplest way to be a blessing to another.
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